eipcp calendar

Struggles for Living Learning, Lina Dokuzović (book presentation)

b_books, Lübbener Str. 14, Berlin

20 February 2017, 8 pm



Struggles for Living Learning
Within Emergent Knowledge Economies and the Cognitivization of Capital and Movement

Book presentation and discussion with Lina Dokuzović

Numerous knowledge-based struggles emerged between 2008–2011 which questioned the changes taking place in universities, on the one hand, and the potentiality of the university as a space for translocally contesting those global transformations, on the other. Through the expansion of the struggles, their contention shifted to how self-education and struggle beyond the university could intervene or create counter-perspectives for change. This book presents the demands, practices, and perspectives developed within the struggles against the backdrop of commodifying transformations in the field of knowledge production which extend to labor filtration and border and migration regimes. These examples ultimately debunk major global knowledge-based policy perspectives, primarily those driven by the EU, and their objectives of crisis resolution and sustainable development. Dokuzović's book develops grassroots practices and perspectives of “living learning” from knowledge-based struggles, presenting socially just and equitable challenges to the transformations in the field of knowledge production.

Lina Dokuzović works at the intersection between visual art and text/knowledge production. She studied Fine Art and received a PhD in Cultural Studies from the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna. She is on the board of the VBKÖ (Austrian Association of Women Artists) and is working on the research project "They Were, Those People, Some Kind of Solution" as a member of the eipcp.


Struggles for Living Learning
Within Emergent Knowledge Economies and the Cognitivization of Capital and Movement

Lina Dokuzović

transversal texts, June 2016
ISBN 978-3-903046-09-2
237 pages, paperback, € 15,00




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