22 05 10

Staff and students suspended at Middlesex

A number of students and staff (among whom Peter Hallward and Peter Osborne) have just been suspended by Middlesex University for their participation in the protests against the university's disastrous decision to shut their philosophy department. This is an act of outrageous stupidity and bullying. If you'd like to voice your opposition to it, please write to the Board of Governors at Middlesex.

These are their addresses: michael@partridges.org.uk, A.Gajownik@mdx.ac.uk, A.Durant@mdx.ac.uk, thelindens@googlemail.com , andrew.parsons@rlb-law.com, avrobinson1@tiscali.co.uk, l_spence1@sky.com , Bridget.Rulski@guardian.co.uk, colin.hughes@guardian.co.uk, T.Cockerton@mdx.ac.uk, P.A.Johnson@mdx.ac.uk , jritterman@blueyonder.co.uk, dinagray@btinternet.com, j.alleyne@mdx.ac.uk , geoff.lambert2@ntlworld.com, W.Ahmad@mdx.ac.uk, J.Compton-Bishop@mdx.ac.uk, j.mulroy1@btinternet.com, K.A.Bell@mdx.ac.uk, lorna.cocking@btinternet.com, M.House@mdx.ac.uk, M.Keen@mdx.ac.uk , m.driscoll@mdx.ac.uk, PeterCheeseman1@aol.com, Peter.Thomas2@justice.gsi.gov.uk, RS1000@live.mdx.ac.uk, stephen.hand@lr.org , s.knight@mdx.ac.uk, T.Kelly@mdx.ac.uk, T.Butland@mdx.ac.uk, e.esche@mdx.ac.uk

Please bcc to savemdxphil@gmail.com

For more on this see: http://savemdxphil.com/

Staff and students suspended at Middlesex