eipcp Projects Creating Worlds

Creating Worlds


multilingual webjournal transversal -
Six issues of the webjournal transversal are part of Creating Worlds:
- knowledge production and its discontents (2009)
- new productivisms (2010)
- an academy (2010)
- art/knowledge - overlaps and neighboring zones (2011)
- inventions (2011)
- unsettling knowledges (2012)

books and catalogues
Marcelo Expósito & Veronica Iglesia (Eds.): Country Europa
Gerald Raunig: Fabriken des Wissens. Streifen und Glätten 1 (Diaphanes 2012)
Gerald Raunig: Industrien der Kreativität. Streifen und Glätten 2 (Diaphanes 2012)
Katalog Hito Steyerl (Ricochet #3), München 2010

- ctho delat #03-27: The Great Method / Великий метод
- kulturrisse 0209: Politisierte Universitäten: Revolutions(t)räume?
- kulturrisse 0110: Creative Bubbles: (Wissens-)Ökonomien der kreativen Stadt
- chto delat #07-31: Tragedy or farce?

The two video films Partisan Songspiel. Belgrade Story and Tower Songspiel have been produced by Chto Delat in the course of their participation in Creating Worlds.